Since the beginning of 2014, to respond to the high influx of boat people rescued by the Italian navy and disembarked on the Italian shores, the Minister of Interior asked all Prefectures to identify reception facilities in their territories, in line with the plan prepared by the Ministry.

These facilities are not within the regular reception systems for asylum seekers (SPRAR and CARA), and their location, their characteristics, and management have not been made public yet. From the preliminary information we have, however, it looks clear that a great number of municipalities is involved, with great differences among the facilities chosen and the companies identified for managing these centres.

For this reason, Asilo in Europa and ASGI consider relevant the launch of a research, completely self-financed, which looks at those reception facilities (variously labelled as temporary, emergency, provisional) for asylum seekers, which have been opened in 2013 and 2014.

We are aware of the high challenge of a research of this kind, due to the scattered location of the facilities and to the high number of migrants leaving these facilities shortly after entering them

The aim of the research is to know:
  • the number of structures opened;
  • the main characteristics of these facilities: location, average of stay, the companies managing the centres;
  • the number of residents as well as a breakdown by nationality and legal status; 
  • a first assessment of the services offered (with a special focus on legal and social assistance) on a representative sample of facilities.

For this purpose, the first step of the research will be to gather information through the short and easy questionnaire available online.

For the complete description of the research please click here.

For clarifications and further information, please contact us at the following emails: