About us

Asilo in Europa (AiE) was founded in 2013 and is based in Bologna (Italy). Its primary mission is the promotion of the right of asylum and international protection through activities such as training, information and analysis.

AiE is member of the European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE).

The European dimension

Nowadays, issues revolving around the right to asylum must necessarily be addressed from a European perspective. Therefore, AiE promotes awareness of the European dimension of the right to asylum, disseminating knowledge about the rules established both at the EU and the national level. As national asylum systems are increasingly harmonized in the framework of the Common European Asylum System, it is essential that professionals in the field of asylum share their best practices, knowledge and new ideas across different EU Member States.

Our objectives

Specifically, AiE aims to:

  • disseminate knowledge about the European policy frameworks of asylum and the functioning of asylum systems in various European countries;
  • develop a network of practitioners working in the field across different EU Member States, acting as a bridge between similar realities at the local level.

Our organization

AiE’s members are mainly professionals working in the field of asylum in Italy and other EU Member States. The association currently counts more than 50 members and is governed by an executive board formed by 7 members, including the President.

Volunteers and activities are internally structured according to specific work areas: Country of Origin Information (COI), Case-law and Legislation, Training and Public Events.

Here you will find the statute of the Asylum in Europe association.